What is blogging

What is blogging and how to do it :

What is blogging in this post and how do they do it?  This post will explain to you.  Nowadays there is more competition in blogging but if you work diligently on blogging you can earn a lot of money.  There is no money to blogging, you can start blogging at all. Blogging is a part of Google that gives you an opportunity to make a career in this blogging.

What is blogging

Google offers new and good bloggers a chance to get up.  These blogging college students can do jobs.  But who can do some personal blogging?  And which angle can be successful in it?  Blogging can be done by a person who is interested in writing to be able to convince others to be skilled, know about some talent and can explain to the people by writing their skills and blogging.


Blogging is the one to whom you publish your written knowledge to people, it means blogging.  Blogging is your written message that conveys information.  The blog is a website from which people share their knowledge, and Google through that blog transmits people to different countries.  It is called blogging.

What quality should you have :

Your quality should be those people should go to their own written article.  No stolen article, it will not do at all.  You must have written to yourself.  And it's easy to write cleanly so that people are easy to fall in. Your way of explaining your heading is right then you can become a good blogger.

What's the page in the blog :

This is a very important question, pages are the terms, rules, information about the website that publishes the pages.  These pages are like this.  About us, Contact us, Disclaimer, Term and condition, Privacy policy, Sitemap.xml, You have to make these pages.  It is important that the person who falls asleep and Google knows about your website.  And what is its patience is the purpose that all this information is given on this page.

How Google Reaches People to It:

SEO means search engine optimization.  When you write a post, then you have to post that post in Google's SEO, then Google does a survey of that post and then publish it to the public through the server.  It is called SEO

What is the benefit of blogging :

By blogging you can earn money Google gives its money  How does it become popular when your article is popular? In every country, in such a situation, Google Adsense shows an advertisement on your webserver and if someone touches on that ad, then Google gives you money.  And some money keeps itself.  You have not been able to earn money sitting in your house but for that, you need a little hard work.  There should be some good drops in your writing, exactly as people want.  Well sitting in the house you can earn a lot of money.

So it was blogging that blogging is a way to earn money in today's unemployment season.  There is a lot of earning in it, your college expenses, home expenses are comfortable enough.  Just be interested in blogging, and with a little effort, you can become a good blogger.

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